Light and Ventilation Ridges

Renovation Systems

for defective rigdelights of other manufacturers

You have a defective ridgelight of another manufacturer?

The polycarbonate rooflight hood of your ridge has turned brown and decomposed from the effects of ammonia; the standard rooflight hood has not survived the hailstorm or a storm has caused considerable damage?

Renovation SystemsRenovation SystemsRenovation SystemsRenovation SystemsRenovation SystemsRenovation SystemsRenovation SystemsRenovation Systems

No problem!

Instead of setting up a completely new light and ventilation ridge just fix your ridge with our renovation systems and the ammonia-resistant as well as hail- and storm-proof original Solvay Ondex rooflight hood.

Renovation SystemsRenovation Systems

before restoration

Renovation SystemsRenovation Systems

after restoration



Ridgelight Renovation Systems


Ridgelight Renovation Systems